Timber Restoration

As specialists in listed building restoration, we understand the kind of damage that can be done to timber over the years. If left untreated, fungal decay and pest problems, can cause deep structural deterioration that leaves timber frame buildings unsafe and close to ruin.

Fortunately, modern timber treatments have been developed that can preserve the existing wood and prevent future damage. Our repair techniques allow us to maximise the amount of original timber that can be retained.

We can often totally restore the strength and load bearing capability of a rotted section of timber quickly and economically using resins and mortars with stainless steel reinforcement.


Causes of issues in timber

Timber is a natural material, which despite being sturdy and versatile, can fall prey to a range of ailments.

  • Dry Rot – Also known as brown rot, this is a form of fungal decay that can attack seemingly dry environments.  Wood can appear cracked and brittle and can crumble to dust in more serious cases.
  • Wet rot – In places where timber has been exposed to damp, including locations with poor ventilation, timber can begin to rot away.
  • Wood boring insects – Insects can infest timbers with the larvae gradually eating away at floorboards or the frame of a building, causing extensive damage.

Treating Timber Decay

Our team of specialists are experienced in treating timber decay in historic buildings.  We undertake surveys to understand timber condition and causes od decay and can recommend appropriate conservation and restoration techniques.  Timber repair techniques can include:

  • Splicing – a technique used to join two or more pieces of timber together, creating a stronger and more structurally sound element to reinforce the existing.  Skilled craftsmanship and specialist knowledge are required to ensure the integrity and longevity of the spliced joint.
  • Replacement  –   When timber decay has progressed to a point where the original timber can’t be saved, our craftspeople will replace with sustainably sourced timber to match the original.  Regular maintenance routines can reduce the risk issues with timber decay in the future.
  • Resin repairs – Resin repairs can help stabilise damage of decayed timber, reinforce weak areas and extend its life.  Decayed sections will be removed before slots or holes are drilled in the new and existing timber to receive reinforcing bars.  Once the bars are placed, resin in injected or poured to surround the bars.  This hardens to bond the sections of timber together.

Contact Us

Complete the form below to tell us about your survey requirements or call us on 01606 330 888 to discuss your project with one of our team.

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