Contract signed for London Road Fire Station restoration
30th Sep 2019
Quadriga have been featured in Place North West in relation to contracts signed at London Road Fire Station
Allied London has signed a contract with Quadriga to deliver the opening phase of redevelopment at the grade two star-listed building in Manchester.
Quadriga have agreed a deal to deliver external and internal restoration works at the building, which has been clad in scaffolding for more than a year.
A second phase, including a hotel, workspace, and leisure space, will follow the first phase; a contractor has yet to be appointed for this part of the works. Allied London’s chief executive Michael Ingall confirmed the contract with Quadriga had been agreed via Twitter, with the company managing a series of specialist trades to work on the restoration.
Quadriga is an historic buildings restoration specialist, with a prolific history of work in the North West. Projects the company has delivered include restorations of Allied London’s Bonded Warehouse in Manchester; the Tower Building in Liverpool; the Salford Royal Hospital; and Chester’s famous Bridge Street.
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